Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monster City

Map of Qutio Territory

Follow the link above to see the size of our territory. With the city and the valleys included the territory population is just under 3 million people. The English congregation here in Quito covers this territory with an average of 35-40 publishers. The brothers and sisters will do census work in an area about 1 time a year if not longer. The large territory can be intimidating but is extremely fruitful and in our first week here we have had many encouraging experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Que barbaria muchachas!!! Representing Hawaii in the Latin countries =) Hope you're having the time of your life (I certainly am here in Nica)!!! How long are you there for? When did you arrive? Whats the need like? Love to chat with you sometime. Email me or message on my blog www.ktnica.blogspot.com! Cuidense y que jehová les bendigas!!
